Symptoms of Kidney problems you should know

Kidney disease is one such kind of worst part about living and it is a silent killer. Conversely, what is building it more dangerous is the fact that it typically gets diagnosed at very extremely late stage. Many are not aware of the symptoms of kidney disease and that is not silent, but uncalled enough to ignore it at its early commencement. Infact in some of the cases, the symptoms may not even been recognized until the condition becomes serious. Perhaps, it is foremost important to recognize the symptoms of kidney diseases in early stages in order to seek the treatment and save your life. You should visit the top Nephrologist in India for a regular checkup.

Some of the Common causes which may result in kidney disease include:

  • A traumatic injury with blood loss
  • Dehydration
  • Harm to the kidneys from a shock during a severe infection called the sepsis
  • Difficulty in flow of urine, such as with an enlarged prostate
  • Damage caused from certain drugs or toxins

Some of the commonly seen symptoms of kidney disease problem one should know:

You may observe the changes in the urinary function -

The first and foremost symptom of the kidney disease is altering in the amount and the frequency of urination. There may be:

  • The amount of urine you pass may Increase or decrease
  • Dark colored urine
  • Urge to urinate but unable doing so
  • Blood in the urine
  • Foamy urine which may be caused due to leakage of protein from the body

You may observe the swollen feet, ankles, face or hands -

Infact fluid withholding is a definite sign which is something up with your body’s excretory system. The main and the primary ways the kidneys is to keep our body balanced and deliver sufficient nutrients by the means of regulation of water. If this organ is not functioning well, the fluid can mount up in the tissues. More often than not, one might notice the swelling at the ankles, feet, face or hands. Sometimes legs might also swell unusually.

You may observe extreme fatigue, anaemia and generalized weakness -

Kidneys are the main parts of body which produces the hormone called erythropoietin which helps the red blood cells carry the oxygen. When this process goes wrong, the levels of the hormone will drop radically resulting in the drop in number of red blood cells and may result in anaemia which leads to symptoms like general weakness and extreme fatigue.

You may observe having a trouble in sleeping -

When the kidneys are not doing its regular duty of filtering, toxins hang about in the blood rather than leaving the body in the form of urine. This is one of the reasons which make it difficult to sleep. We can also see a link between obesity and the chronic kidney disease, and sleep apnea is more familiar in those with the chronic kidney disease when compared with the general people.

You may observe nausea and vomiting -

It is observed and understood that you might feel like nauseated if the kidneys are leasing “garbage” pile up in your system, the phenomenon which is term as uremia. Your body might feel the need to expel the poisons, infact which can be noticeable as nausea and gets the feel that you need to vomit. In some of the cases, vomiting actually does occur.

You may feel like itchy rashes -

When there is a buildup of uric acid and the waste products, and this resulting buildup can cause an itchy patches onto the skin. Some of the rashes are vague symptom which can be caused by number of factors; which might be observed through kidney malfunction and feel “deeper.” Usual treatment might not help a lot because the formed itch feels like it is extending below the skin’s surface. And uric acid induced rashes can also visible as little red bumps, but not unlike acne.

You may feel or have a poor appetite -

This is observed to be a very general and foremost symptom, but the buildup of the toxins which results from the reduced kidney function can be one of the causes.

You may feel that the muscles are cramping -

The electrolyte imbalance in the body results from the impaired kidney function causing the problem. Sometimes may be observed in the form of low calcium levels and poorly restricted phosphorus may contribute to the muscle cramping.

You may feel cold all the time -

Moreover, kidney disease is known to be causing anaemia, which can also cause you to feel like cold even when you are in a warm surrounding. Pyelonephritis, a kidney infection might also cause the fever with chills. Sometimes extreme fatigue and overtiredness might also be responsible for this symptom.

You may feel shortness of breath -

If the kidney disease is rigorous enough, it might sometimes cause a build-up of fluid in lungs resulting in breathlessness. Apart from breathlessness, anaemia which seems a common side effect of the kidney disease starve your body of the oxygen resulting which you suffer from breathlessness.

At Credihealth you can find the best Hospitals for Kidney Transplant in India for the best treatment related to Kidney problems.